How long have you been writing? Since about the first grade. The teachers were insistent. But my love of writing didn’t actually develop until I was in the third grade. That was back when they had rock tablets and stone arrowheads. That was also around the time the wheel was invented so that was pretty exciting.
How many books published? There are eighteen books to date and three short stories.
How did you feel when someone read your stuff for the first time? Flattered. Honored. Excited. They could pick a million other books to read, but they chose mine so it’s always really flattering.
How do you feel about your parents, grandparents, neighbors... reading it? My young adult stuff, no big deal. I toss that stuff around like Mardi Gras beads. My new adult and adult stuff … I like to think that the people who know me, pretty much know to expect a lot of adult fun stuff in my new adult and adult books. Lol.
What kinds of things do you do for promotion? Tours. Giveaways. Lots of giveaways. My publicist and my management team is a huge force behind all that.
What are peoples reaction when you tell them you're an author? “Aw! That’s so cute. Okay, but really, what do you actually do?” lol. No, I’m partially kidding. It depends on where I am and who I’m talking to. Book people, people who love to read think it’s fantastic and I’ve had a lot of people who don’t read tell me that’s incredible. I know a lot of authors have a hard time with being taken seriously, but I’ve thankfully been pretty lucky.
How do you stay inspired? By reminding myself I’m too old to find a new dream. Kidding. My readers actually keep me inspired. They motivate me to keep writing and putting myself out there. Seeing and feeling the love I get after each piece is absolutely magical.
What do you do when you get writers block? I would like to say I’m too cool for that, but let’s face it, it happens to the best of us. I do, however, try not to let it hold me down. My first write through is usually a series of broken paragraphs with the occasional (fix this crap!) reminder inserted at random parts. Then I just keep writing, or I’ll write the parts that speak the loudest to me and sew it all together during edits.
What kinds of shows do you watch? Oh, well, how much time do you have? I am a professional Netflix watcher. I will watch seven seasons in a week. I love horror (American Horror Story, Constantine), criminology (Criminal Minds, Bones, Fringe, Dexter), Supernatural (Supernatural, Vampire Diaries, Originals, Haven, Charmed, Once Upon A Time, Ghost whisperer), then everything else (Nikita, Firefly, Revenge, Blacklist, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, Pretty Little Liars, How I Met Your Mother, Leverage). Like I said, there are a lot. Lol.
How long does it take for you to pump out a book? I usually have two months between each book. It doesn’t seem like it when I release a book every month to two months, but each book was written two months ago and is in cue waiting to be released. So in July, I’m actually writing Sept/Oct’s release. Normally it takes about a month to two months to write a full piece, depending on the book.
What does your writing process look like? It really depends on the book. Sometimes, it just pours out and it’s all there and it doesn’t require a lot of intensive research. Other times, I have a Beautiful Minds thing going on across my wall that involves string and colored post-its.
What are your favorite books? That’s kind of like asking what my favorite chocolate is, or my favorite child. I have been in love with reading for so long and each book I’ve read has such a special place in my heart so it’s impossible to answer that question. Honestly, it would be like writing a phonebook.
Thank you so very much for having me. It was truly such an honor and a pleasure.
Love Always,
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