But, with all of that magic, books also bring about quite a few problems for those of us who are a little - or a lot - obsessed with them. For instance:
1) You're so engrossed in a story and think that you still have a couple more chapters left but when you turn the page, you realize that it's a preview for another book.
2) Do you buy the whole series, risk not liking it and wasting money OR just buy the first book and truly suffer when you love it and cant buy the rest for a while.
3) You want to finish the book but you don't want to finish the book.

4) When you read a line that is just so well-written that you have to close the book and stare at the wall for a minute.
5) Your T.B.R. list.
6) When they deleted your favorite scene in the book-to-movie adaptation.

8) Having to put it down to do stupid things like eat and sleep.
9) When something catastrophic happens and no one you know has read it so you have no one to talk about it with.
10) When people try to speak to you while you're reading.
11) The hole in your chest when you finish reading a series.
12) Having non-fictional feelings for fictional characters.

13) Shoulder, neck and back pains from reading in awkward positions.
14) Book that don't have summaries on the back - just one-line reviews. WTF is the book about!?
16) You can name more fictional characters than you have friends.
17) When a character does something really stupid or embarrassing and you have to close the book because you can feel their embarrassment too.
18) Book hangover: The inability to start a new book because you're still living in the last books world.
19) The agonizing wait for the author to finish the next book in the series.
20) The amount of space they take up in your living room.
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