With all the Scentsy, Body wrap, Jewel Kade( so on and so on) parties, the thoughts of an online party kind of exhaust me. I'm not very social. There's no chance that I'm going to rent out a room somewhere only to be disappointed when no one could be bothered to put down their cell phones and come. It leaves me in a bit of a slump.
But then I think, 'why does it have to be so all or nothing?' I got into this whole publishing business for fun. If something doesn't feel right, why should I have to push myself? Don't get me wrong. I can guarantee that all of my friends, family, fan's and strangers will be sick of me talking about it. I'll be posting on a minutely basis about all things fae.
I will NOT however be stressing over this novel the way I did with the first two Authority series novels.
It's been a while since I've written anything on here. A lot has happened! My brother-in-law and his wife gave birth to a beautiful baby boy (with a FULL head of hair). He's been filling my baby-void whenever the craving comes on. My kids have both had Birthdays within the last 2 months. If turning 30 made me feel old, having an 11 year old daughter makes me feel ancient. They had appointments with the optometrist today. Both need glasses. I expected Brooklynn to be excited about it. She LOVES glasses and has always saved up money to buy herself some fake ones at Claire's. Now that she actually needs them, she's pissed. I swear, if her hormones get worse, I'm jumping ship. Was I this bad as a preteen? I'm sure my mother will argue but I'm going to have to say no.
The release date is set for April 1st, 2016. I've yet to share the cover of Aberrant Fairy Tale but have had some pretty amazing pictures done up (Just a little bit of promoting wont kill me). What do you think?
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